Incredible piece written by Julianne Ross for Wired. The essay positions my work where many journalists and critics have also placed it which is in a position of opposition to technology and through Ross as a way of claiming online activity to be less valid and not real. Unfortunately, that is not where I place the work or it's message however, I know that I can not deny that it is read this way by many. I value my interactions online as well as the validity that I have felt in the reception of this work and through the very means that it speaks of. I fully support the message of Julianne Ross and hope this piece gives clarity to the many who are digesting their own version of the sentiment of this work. What happens online is real. It's done by real people and has a real emotional and physical impact on peoples lives and warrants real consequences, discussions, and attention. I will move forward being more vocal about how the work is not intended to devalue peoples actions or experiences online. I am really writing this and you are really reading it.